Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Personal Development Project - Report #3 - Effective Recognition

Part of the Certified Public Manager program involves the completion of a personal development project.  My selected project is to prepare a series of lectures to my fellow managers about basic managerial concepts.  These series of posts are intended to document my progress in that endeavor.  This report pertains to a presentation made on 3/17/14.

Keys to Effective Recognition.

Continuing the series of management discussions at the weekly staff meeting, I presented a discussion of the keys to effective recognition.

I started the discussion by reviewing the concepts we had covered before.  These included the SMART employee assignments and Herzberg's list of Satisfiers and Dis-Satisfiers.  The one concept that is both a Satisfier and Dis-Satisfier from Herzberg's work is the concept of recognition.  This provided a great segue into how to do recognition effectively.

The three key concepts to effective recognition are:  It should be SPECIFIC.  It should be IMMEDIATE.  And it should be SINCERE.

We did have some discussion that we could do much better at this than we presently are.  Our current practice of an "employee of the month" selection at a semi-regular monthly safety meeting, is probably better than nothing, but it does not adhere to many of these concepts.

1 comment:

  1. Jason, good work on building on prior learning of your team. Choosing recognition from Herzberg's lists to focus on appears to be manageable and meaningful for your team and/or organization. Lisa
